Happy 2012!

2012! Can you believe it? I hear a lot of discussion about what this year will bring. Nostradomous and the Mayans believe the world will end this year…Christians believe the end is near…but, what do you believe? I believe that dwelling on the end is a horrible way to think spend our time…we need to be dreaming of ways to live in the moment – not think of the past or too far ahead in the future!

Last year, I thought a lot about how there were moments I felt I was on the verge of doing something great – big – life changing – it was just beyond my reach – on the tip of my tongue – just on the outskirts of my mind…it was sad to realize that something big may never manifest itself.

So I set my mind on brightening my small, but, oh so important, corner of the world.

Our lives touch so many others, who touch others, who touch others (you get the picture).

Negativity is easy to spread. Joy, love, encouragement, compassion, help, positivity, it’s a real challenge to keep uppermost in our minds. It takes commitment and constant reminders to ourselves to keep at it, to actively look for a moment, opportunity, the gift of spreading love.

My career is not grand or saving lives, rocket science or brain surgery. I sell copiers. It helps people, it really does! It makes a difference in peoples bottom line and the atmosphere in their offices. It can be a challenge to find the value of in daily tasks, but, it is there.

Spread joy in your little corner of the world with your family, job, customers (even strangers can use an “I love your hair, you have such a pretty smile, or as a little girl said to me one time – “Your Pretty!” in her little sing song voice – I’ve never forgotten it several years later).

Go spread joy and some childlike “your pretty’s!” today!

Love, Carole

BTW – you look GREAT today!

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