Wanted: 1 ticket into the social media cool group! Sincerely, Indy Copier Cat, Carolebbs

Navigating the Social Media Scene requires a very different coolness from my Danville Warrior Days.  I am, admittedly, a novice.  I’ve run into some really cool people who have it all together on Twitter and Facebook, company websites, blogs, etcs.  (#AmyStark), a great Mentor for many all over the world!

I found out about the OBL assasination through Twitter when tv was teasing us with Breaking News coming from the White House.  Twitter is such a powerful tool that China blocked it in anticipation of the Tiananmen massacre anniversary, along with other social media websites.  Facebook has allowed me to connect with High School friends I’ve not communicated with in – well, let’s just say years.

I keep in touch with my Children and Grandsons through social media.  When my Son was in Afghanistan, FB chat was our most common form of communication, even if he did not have showers, he had internet.  Skype is how we communicate with my Son in Law overseas.  My Grandsons live 20 minutes away, but, if I’ve not seen them in a few days – we Skype! 

Loving social media, I, perhaps selfishly, try to use it to assist my 14 year career of selling copiers.

Social media is abstract, fun, creative, ever changing.  Definitely, it is where the cool group is hanging out these days! 

I feel a little like Sue Heck, in the tv show “The Middle”, perpetually hopeful of becoming part of something positive, fitting in somewhere.  But, until I do, really having fun trying to figure it all out.

Whatever you decide to do with the day you’ve been given today, be brave!  Carole aka IndyCopierCat

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