Happy Last Mother’s Day

Mothers’ Day last year was the last time I saw my Mom.  She died in a car accident a short time later.

Hopefully, what I’m about to share with you will be helpful at some point in your life and you won’t think too badly of me.

Last year:  My Sister, Laura, called:  Ring! Ring!  Me: Hello?  Laura:  I just did something I don’t think you are going to like.  Me:  WHAT DID YOU DO?!  Laura:  I told Mom I would give her gas money to come up for Mothers Day.  Me: You what?!?  OMG, what did you do go and do that for? ( All right not my most shining moment as a daughter.)

I was not pleased.  My Son was in Afghanistan at the time and Mom was driving me crazy with phone calls full of worry.  I was struggling to keep it together myself, so, in self preservation mode, started screening her phone calls to see where she was emotionally before deciding when (and if) to call her back. 

As it turned out, I’ve been very grateful that Laura (henceforth known as the good daughter) invited Mom here for our last Mother’s Day together…Mom brought boxes of old Christmas decorations.  My sisters and I sorted through them and we all walked down memory lane.  

The day before THE phone call, a few free moments presented itself and I decided to call Mom.  It was to be our most important conversation ever – our last. 

I thank God everyday that He laid it on my heart to call Mom the day before she died.  It was truly the most precious gift he could have given me.  A gift that helped me not feel quite so guilty in the months after her death.  I was grateful that I never indulged myself by venting my ill feelings to her. 

I ended up taking advice I’d given a friend a few years ago when she lost her good friend in a car accident.  It was not the best time in their relationship and I remember saying “if she were here, she would tell you not to worry even a second over it”.  They were like sisters!  Sisters fuss and so do Moms and Daughters. 

Be peaceful.  Carole

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