Keeping my composure…

The curiosity of composure has been uppermost in my mind these last few days.

Last week I was working on a rather large deal and was reeling with the ups and downs of communications with my client.  Speaking with my Manager, he said “…you have to keep a certain amount of composure…” 

Watching the NCAA basketball tournament this year, I’ve seen a perfect example of this trait in Butler Bulldogs’ Coach, Brad Stevens.  He maintains a level of composure in stressful situations that’s truly impressive.  How does he do it?  Is it just his nature?  Or is it something that can be learned?

Closer to home, my Manager, Dave, has been my mentor for going on 15 years now; and one of the things I admire most about him is his composure in frustrating situations, although I’ve not labeled that quality until his comment last week. 

Life has thrown some curveballs my way this year and composure is not the trait that was revealed in my personality.  But, I don’t consider myself too old to continue to learn at the surprisingly youthful age of 54! 

How can we keep our composure in the stresses of life?  I release this question into the great and vast universe of social media and look forward to your responses.

As we start peeling back the layers of this elusive trait for some of us, I will put forth something simple – a deep cleansing breath.  Have you ever noticed that as we become uncomfortable our breathing becomes shallow?

So breathe!  Sounds easy right?  We’ve been doing it ever since we were born.  (That first breath must have felt great, huh?)  

Ready? Set?  Deep breath in and Go forth with composure!

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