Take two!

Shortly after my initial blog post my personal life took an unexpected turn when my Mom was killed in a car accident.  My Son, a US Marine, was in Afghanistan at the time and I was already doing my best to do the basic tasks of the day.

Today my life is starting to be more comfortable again, as my Son is not currently in Afghanistan and I am coming to terms with the sudden loss of my Mom. 

My life is very blessed and I am grateful for the support I have in in God, family, friends and work.  I would not have gotten through the last few months without all of them.  Thank you.

Many times this last year, I asked myself how to continue to be a good salesperson while my personal life was so far from normal.  Maybe you have advice.  Me?  I’m still formulating my thoughts and ideas.

I am excited at the prospects 2011 will bring in my career as it is starting out strong.  Braden Business Systems and Konica Minolta continues to be a great combination of product and service strengths that can help a company increase productivity while saving money! 

Budget cuts have made us busier and maxed out with additional responsibilities.  If your copier is not working well now – it not only halts copies, but, printing, scanning and sometimes faxing as well.  A copier that works well never receives praise, but, if it is not working well, it is a huge speed bump in your staff’s day.  It can be very frustrating.

My advice:  If you are having copier issues, don’t be afraid to investigate placing a new unit.  Every day we are saving our clients money!  A rewarding area in which we see solid savings is schools.  There’s nothing more rewarding than helping our schools identify areas where they can save money.

I look forward to your questions and comments. 

Think about what you are grateful for and today will be a good day!

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