Happy 2012!

2012! Can you believe it? I hear a lot of discussion about what this year will bring. Nostradomous and the Mayans believe the world will end this year…Christians believe the end is near…but, what do you believe? I believe that dwelling on the end is a horrible way to think spend our time…we need to be dreaming of ways to live in the moment – not think of the past or too far ahead in the future!

Last year, I thought a lot about how there were moments I felt I was on the verge of doing something great – big – life changing – it was just beyond my reach – on the tip of my tongue – just on the outskirts of my mind…it was sad to realize that something big may never manifest itself.

So I set my mind on brightening my small, but, oh so important, corner of the world.

Our lives touch so many others, who touch others, who touch others (you get the picture).

Negativity is easy to spread. Joy, love, encouragement, compassion, help, positivity, it’s a real challenge to keep uppermost in our minds. It takes commitment and constant reminders to ourselves to keep at it, to actively look for a moment, opportunity, the gift of spreading love.

My career is not grand or saving lives, rocket science or brain surgery. I sell copiers. It helps people, it really does! It makes a difference in peoples bottom line and the atmosphere in their offices. It can be a challenge to find the value of in daily tasks, but, it is there.

Spread joy in your little corner of the world with your family, job, customers (even strangers can use an “I love your hair, you have such a pretty smile, or as a little girl said to me one time – “Your Pretty!” in her little sing song voice – I’ve never forgotten it several years later).

Go spread joy and some childlike “your pretty’s!” today!

Love, Carole

BTW – you look GREAT today!

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Congratulations Konica Minolta/Braden Business Systems!

Please allow me to pat our manufacturer, Konica Minolta and my company, Braden Business Systems on the back…

Congratulations to Braden Business Systems’ manufacturer, Konica Minolta, on winning BLI’s Product Line of the Year award!   Braden Business Systems has been the authorized dealer for Konica Minolta for 20 years. 

Bertl recently awarded Konica Minolta’s Bizhub Press C8000 for Best Color Production System and the Bizhub 1200 Best Monochrome Production System!

Congratulations to Braden Business Systems for providing an average of 2 hour response time for service for the last 14 years!

I’ve always believed that even though most of us do not make a career of saving lives and performing heroic events, we can make our day, no matter what we do, of value.

To that end, my goal is to provide you with all of the information you need to help your office run smoothly.  No one is going to call you for choosing a dependable copier, but, if you happen to choose one that does not, you are definitely going to hear about it.

In addition to a solid product line, find a vendor that has been a dealer for the same manufacturer for years, a sales rep and staff who have long tenure with the company.  These are important pieces to choosing the equipment that is right for your office.

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Wanted: 1 ticket into the social media cool group! Sincerely, Indy Copier Cat, Carolebbs

Navigating the Social Media Scene requires a very different coolness from my Danville Warrior Days.  I am, admittedly, a novice.  I’ve run into some really cool people who have it all together on Twitter and Facebook, company websites, blogs, etcs.  (#AmyStark), a great Mentor for many all over the world!

I found out about the OBL assasination through Twitter when tv was teasing us with Breaking News coming from the White House.  Twitter is such a powerful tool that China blocked it in anticipation of the Tiananmen massacre anniversary, along with other social media websites.  Facebook has allowed me to connect with High School friends I’ve not communicated with in – well, let’s just say years.

I keep in touch with my Children and Grandsons through social media.  When my Son was in Afghanistan, FB chat was our most common form of communication, even if he did not have showers, he had internet.  Skype is how we communicate with my Son in Law overseas.  My Grandsons live 20 minutes away, but, if I’ve not seen them in a few days – we Skype! 

Loving social media, I, perhaps selfishly, try to use it to assist my 14 year career of selling copiers.

Social media is abstract, fun, creative, ever changing.  Definitely, it is where the cool group is hanging out these days! 

I feel a little like Sue Heck, in the tv show “The Middle”, perpetually hopeful of becoming part of something positive, fitting in somewhere.  But, until I do, really having fun trying to figure it all out.

Whatever you decide to do with the day you’ve been given today, be brave!  Carole aka IndyCopierCat

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Happy Last Mother’s Day

Mothers’ Day last year was the last time I saw my Mom.  She died in a car accident a short time later.

Hopefully, what I’m about to share with you will be helpful at some point in your life and you won’t think too badly of me.

Last year:  My Sister, Laura, called:  Ring! Ring!  Me: Hello?  Laura:  I just did something I don’t think you are going to like.  Me:  WHAT DID YOU DO?!  Laura:  I told Mom I would give her gas money to come up for Mothers Day.  Me: You what?!?  OMG, what did you do go and do that for? ( All right not my most shining moment as a daughter.)

I was not pleased.  My Son was in Afghanistan at the time and Mom was driving me crazy with phone calls full of worry.  I was struggling to keep it together myself, so, in self preservation mode, started screening her phone calls to see where she was emotionally before deciding when (and if) to call her back. 

As it turned out, I’ve been very grateful that Laura (henceforth known as the good daughter) invited Mom here for our last Mother’s Day together…Mom brought boxes of old Christmas decorations.  My sisters and I sorted through them and we all walked down memory lane.  

The day before THE phone call, a few free moments presented itself and I decided to call Mom.  It was to be our most important conversation ever – our last. 

I thank God everyday that He laid it on my heart to call Mom the day before she died.  It was truly the most precious gift he could have given me.  A gift that helped me not feel quite so guilty in the months after her death.  I was grateful that I never indulged myself by venting my ill feelings to her. 

I ended up taking advice I’d given a friend a few years ago when she lost her good friend in a car accident.  It was not the best time in their relationship and I remember saying “if she were here, she would tell you not to worry even a second over it”.  They were like sisters!  Sisters fuss and so do Moms and Daughters. 

Be peaceful.  Carole

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Pirates in the office place!

Toner pirates are what we in my industry call companies who sell copier toner to businesses who have a maintenance contract that includes toner.

The calls come from out-of-state claiming toner prices are going to increase significantly, HOWEVER, you can still get it for the current price if you act now!  They have enough information – no I don’t know how – to sound extremely credible. 

Here are some tips if you fall prey to this unethical practice:

If you are not sure, review your maintenance contract with your Account Manager, to be sure toner is included in your contract.

Review the procedure for ordering copier toner with your office staff.  If they know the process they will be a valuable resource for stopping a potentially costly mistake.

Understand your copier vendor would never pressure you to have too much extra inventory on hand. 

Ask your vendor how much lead time you need to receive your copier toner in a timely fashion.  Most toner can be ordered as little as a few days in advance.

When the copier gives the low toner message, you will still be able to make copies before it goes down.  Copiers vary with how many copies you can still make, but, some are as many as 500-1000 copies.

If someone does fall prey, don’t panic, when the package arrives, you can refuse the order at your door.

The shipping company will take it back to the Toner Pirates and no one will have to walk the plank  at your office.

Smooth sailing Mateys!

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Keeping my composure…

The curiosity of composure has been uppermost in my mind these last few days.

Last week I was working on a rather large deal and was reeling with the ups and downs of communications with my client.  Speaking with my Manager, he said “…you have to keep a certain amount of composure…” 

Watching the NCAA basketball tournament this year, I’ve seen a perfect example of this trait in Butler Bulldogs’ Coach, Brad Stevens.  He maintains a level of composure in stressful situations that’s truly impressive.  How does he do it?  Is it just his nature?  Or is it something that can be learned?

Closer to home, my Manager, Dave, has been my mentor for going on 15 years now; and one of the things I admire most about him is his composure in frustrating situations, although I’ve not labeled that quality until his comment last week. 

Life has thrown some curveballs my way this year and composure is not the trait that was revealed in my personality.  But, I don’t consider myself too old to continue to learn at the surprisingly youthful age of 54! 

How can we keep our composure in the stresses of life?  I release this question into the great and vast universe of social media and look forward to your responses.

As we start peeling back the layers of this elusive trait for some of us, I will put forth something simple – a deep cleansing breath.  Have you ever noticed that as we become uncomfortable our breathing becomes shallow?

So breathe!  Sounds easy right?  We’ve been doing it ever since we were born.  (That first breath must have felt great, huh?)  

Ready? Set?  Deep breath in and Go forth with composure!

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Take two!

Shortly after my initial blog post my personal life took an unexpected turn when my Mom was killed in a car accident.  My Son, a US Marine, was in Afghanistan at the time and I was already doing my best to do the basic tasks of the day.

Today my life is starting to be more comfortable again, as my Son is not currently in Afghanistan and I am coming to terms with the sudden loss of my Mom. 

My life is very blessed and I am grateful for the support I have in in God, family, friends and work.  I would not have gotten through the last few months without all of them.  Thank you.

Many times this last year, I asked myself how to continue to be a good salesperson while my personal life was so far from normal.  Maybe you have advice.  Me?  I’m still formulating my thoughts and ideas.

I am excited at the prospects 2011 will bring in my career as it is starting out strong.  Braden Business Systems and Konica Minolta continues to be a great combination of product and service strengths that can help a company increase productivity while saving money! 

Budget cuts have made us busier and maxed out with additional responsibilities.  If your copier is not working well now – it not only halts copies, but, printing, scanning and sometimes faxing as well.  A copier that works well never receives praise, but, if it is not working well, it is a huge speed bump in your staff’s day.  It can be very frustrating.

My advice:  If you are having copier issues, don’t be afraid to investigate placing a new unit.  Every day we are saving our clients money!  A rewarding area in which we see solid savings is schools.  There’s nothing more rewarding than helping our schools identify areas where they can save money.

I look forward to your questions and comments. 

Think about what you are grateful for and today will be a good day!

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And we’re off!…

and moving further into the technological age with a blog! I hope to lend my 14 years of experience in the copier industry with tips and updates in the industry in these postings.

As a copier rep, there is some sadness on my part that I’ve never run into anyone who was really happy they are in charge of copiers, much less the acquisition of them for their company. C’mon!  It is an area that with some thought and analyzation – and help from your experienced account rep – that can cut costs, increase productivity, and improve the overall mood of your office. How? Rarely will someone come up to you and lavish extravagant praise upon your head because you got them a great copier. However, if the copier locks up, constantly jams, has a line of people waiting (patiently of course) to get their job, then – surprise! – you will hear about it.

Copiers are your fax machine, your printer and your scanner all in one. It is important to have one that keeps your employees productive. And, it’s a bonus, it can save you money.

Spend a few minutes with me! We can explore the wonderful world of saving money and making people happy with your copier!

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Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress.com. This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!

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